
These resources were originally developed for the Society of Saint Odo of Cluny, a Catholic organization devoted to the worthy celebration of the Sacred Liturgy in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
The organization’s website – – is unfortunately defunct, so I’m hosting the resources here.
This site is intended as a resource for Catholic clergy and lay ministers, as well as for those who may have questions about the Sacred Liturgy.
We hope that the contents may prove useful to those priests who are typically sent to what Pope Francis calls “the peripheries”, as well as to the volunteers and staff who support their liturgical efforts.
The Church’s liturgy may, therefore, be considered as a sacred poem, in the framing of which both heaven and earth have taken part, and by which our humanity, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb without spot, rises on the wings of the Spirit even unto the throne of God Himself.”
(Blessed Ildefonso Schuster)