Each of these worship aids provides the music for the Kyrie, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei in one of the traditional Latin Mass settings adapted for the Ordinary Form.
(Adaptations for the Ordinary Form include the two-fold Kyrie and the inclusion of the Memorial Acclamation Mortem Tuam.)
These works are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, 2020 – 2024 Society of Saint Odo of Cluny.
You are free to download these documents and share them with others, so long as they are not changed in any way or used commercially.
The Mass settings are meant to be printed double-sided (on short edge and actual size) and folded in half. They work in colour or in black and white. The music prints much cleaner than it appears on a monitor. An English translation is provided as a courtesy.
More Mass settings will be added as we create them. Keep checking back!
Mass Settings
- Missa Jubilate Deo (simple Latin Mass setting)
- Mass I: Lux et origo (for Easter Season)
- Mass VIII: Missa de Angelis (for feasts and privileged seasons)
- Mass XI: Orbis factor (for Sundays in Ordinary)
- Mass XVII: (for Sundays in Advent and Lent)
- Mass XVIII: Deus Genitor alme (for Advent and Lent; funerals)
Additional Mass Chants
- Credo and Pater Booklet (Nicene Creed and the Lord’s Prayer in simple Latin Mass setting)